Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So I know I told you you'd find out our lil man's name when he's here in November. But I have had SO many people ask me if I have a name picked out. Which I do and I don't and cannot lie. So it makes for a VERY awkward conversation when I tell them I do and just don't tell them what it is. If you know what I mean. So with that being said and knowing that it is going to be a for sure name we have decided who cares if everyone knows already. With that being said I love different names and Tyler likes more common names. With MUCH disagreement on most everything we both came up with. I figured if I find a cute one syllable name it will make it simple and maybe Ty will like it. Little did I know it actually worked! He loved it! SO his name will be...

Knox Bentley Blatter.

(And for those that don't know how to pronounce our last name, it's like "water". So get it right peeps!) And Bentley just sounded freakin awesome with it. And besides, Ty likes Dierks Bentley (& so do I) so how could we possibly go wrong? Glad we were able to come up with an awesome name we BOTH love! Hope you like!


Lyndsay said...

Knox is cute, glad it worked out :)

nate and amy crandell said...

how cute!!! that's the perfect name it really flows well too. And I totally understand about husbands disagreeing with names haha.

Raena and Sebastian Tellez said...

That is way cute! We are still working on a name for boy or girl. If you have a list of left overs I'd love to take a look. I love the uncommon names too. And as long as Sebastian thinks the whole name flows he doesn't care.

Larsen said...

great name! it is so tough to pick out names, but i think that you have done a good job. good luck, we'll be thinking about ya every step of the way.


Larsen said...
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Anonymous said...

love it!!! and I totally understand why you want to keep it under wraps! There are some name stealers out there!! :)

justin & mallory coffman said...


Erinn said...

glad you guys both agreed on a name, that's the hardest part. can't wait to see the little guy when he gets here!